Friday, February 10, 2012

Cotton Candy Carla

Okay so I just went to get the title to my car. I was sitting there admiring this woman's colorful hair. It was like red cotton candy on steroids. It was absolutely amazing. Fortunately I was a "send out". A "send out" is a person who has already waited 15 years in line and got all the way to a representative and was told they couldn't complete the transaction because they couldn't read the sellers signature so they "send you out" to go get the required affidavit to prove that John Smith is also know as Jasfadf Sllaksjd (or something like that, his signature was too hard to read) and then you come back and they let you to the front of the line so you don't have to wait another decade.

So needless to say I didn't get to look at Crazy Cotton-Candy Carla for more than a few minutes. But I can say that I was inspired on my way home to roll down the window and catch the

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