Friday, February 10, 2012

Aaaaand we're off!

Oh my goodness! I'm so excited. I finally did it. My first blog. So I'm totally hoping this will be an extension of my Facebook page - funny, encouraging, hilarious, and....ME! So just to set some rules for commenting on my blog (which I hope you all are going to do!). Please no cursing, no fighting, and no back-talking...if you don't like my post - get your own bloooog! So this blog is for all things Sylvia! We're talking the shoes, the bags, books, clothes-when they're not inside out, pets, family, my crazy day to day life. Everyone is welcome to check in as often as you like. :)

I'm also going to try "use my words" like my Mom taught me and pick one word to sum up my daily posts. I'm kinda known for my quirky choice of words. So today I chose:

FACETIOUS: humurous, amusing, not meant to be taken seriously or literally.

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